Will Neill


Will Neill

Will Neill

Crime Fiction, Thriller, Mystery, Supernatural Suspense, Romance

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  • Member Since

    May 2017

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  • Country

    United Kingdom

  • Born

    22nd of January 1957

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Will Neill is an award winning Irish author, poet and armature musician and cowboy at heart; Born in Belfast in the late fifties. Will has established himself as a prolific writer all over the world for both his prose and poetry. He admits to being an avid reader and doesn’t like to restrict his writing to a singular genre preferring to write about ‘what makes a good story’
He also confesses to being a people watcher, life long John Wayne fan and a stickler for accuracy when it comes to historical events and places, he states ‘One can never take the reader for granted’ Will has seen his work published in the ‘Circus of Indie Artists’ #Author Ether Books # Author StoryStar and Writers Café. Gold Award for ‘Tender is the Night’ in the NY Literary Mag. Mavguard featured author February 2017 for his published story ‘Now the Carnival is Gone’ and many others.
His story ‘The Jesus Syndrome’ is currently being made into a short film.
Details of all his work can be found at: www.willneill.simplesite.com

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